
The UK's Great Guestpectations

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Mar 11, 2020
The UK's Great Guestpectations
Whether you're crashing at a friend's for convenience or staying with your in-laws for a long weekend away, house guest etiquette matters. And, if you've ever offered family or friends a place to stay, you'll know exactly how important it is that they respect your home - and follow your rules.

To help both house guests and hosts understand what’s expected of them, we surveyed over 2,000 Brits to reveal their top 10 biggest bugbears, along with the things they require most during the stay.

From doing the dishes and flushing the toilet, to sharing the Wi-Fi password and cranking the heating up, take a look at the UK’s great guestpectations.

Do’s for guests

When staying at a family or friends for more than one night, your host will probably tell you to ‘make yourself at home’ - but how comfortable can you really get?

Our data reveals that hosts have many expectations from house guests, and to help you know what they’re thinking, we’ve ranked the top 10 in order of importance.

Don’ts for guests

On the flip side, we also asked hosts to share the most offensive things a house guest can do when staying in their home. From overstaying your welcome to bathroom etiquette, here are the top 10 bugbears from hosts around the UK.


Are you the host with the most?

Now we’ve explored the top 10 do’s and don’ts for guests, we’re about to do the same for hosts. To help both sides of the party, we asked house guests to tell us what they expect from their host during their stay.

Don’ts for hosts

As a host, are your skills up to scratch? Or do you need to be more accommodating? To find out where hosts are going wrong, we asked house guests to reveal the things most likely to put them off staying at a family or friend’s home overnight.


We all know how it feels when a guest overstays their welcome, and most of us are guilty of dropping subtle hints for them to pack up and head home.

But how long is too long? It seems when it comes to overnight stays, the majority of us think one to two nights is enough, admitting that’s the maximum length of time they’d like to host a guest.

If a guest isn’t staying overnight, and are just popping round for a quick visit, a third of hosts say 2-3 hours is the perfect amount of time to stay.

However, there are some people who don’t want any guests at all, with one in eight people admitting to NEVER inviting them over.

How often do we host?

It seems some parts of the UK are more open to inviting guests than others, and the city a host lives in impacts how often guests are invited.

Those living in Southampton, Liverpool, and Leeds invite guests into their home the most, putting them at the top of the list when it comes to hospitality.


But how often do you host guests? If you’d like to host more often and are looking to impress, head to our home page to browse our latest developments. Alternatively, take a look at our selection of beautiful homes by the seaside in  Somerset and Devon, or look at some of our exciting developments near Leicester and York.

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