
Moving Home with Pets

Oct 11, 2022
Moving Home with Pets
Whilst moving home is an exciting time for you, it can be a frightening time for your pets and there are many things pet owners forget. Follow these simple tips to help make moving with your pets easier.

Moving with cats

Cats in particular can be very territorial which is why it’s important to make them feel relaxed in their new surroundings when relocating. Here are a few handy tips to help your cat deal with moving home:


Keep them confined on moving day

Keep your cat out of harm’s way by placing them in their carrier or allowing them access to one shut room while your belongings are removed. You could also temporarily give them to a friend to look after.

Ensure they have a comfortable journey

If you are travelling a long way to your new home, remember to keep your cat watered, fed and comfortable in the car. Never put their carrier in the boot and make sure it is well ventilated by not placing things on top of it and keeping a window partially open.

Give them time to adapt

Keep them confined to one room for the first few days so they can adapt to their new surroundings and regain some familiarity with your belongings. Try and make this room as familiar as possible by placing any of their favourite toys and furniture in here.

Take your time introducing them to outdoor spaces

Once you have moved into your new home, you should try to keep all windows and doors shut for a week or so while your cat familiarises itself with the interiors of the house. Once it is comfortable, you can then introduce it to the surrounding outdoor areas with less risk of it running off. When you do let them venture outside, make sure they have an identification tag or have been microchipped by a vet.

Moving with dogs

Moving can be a stressful time for your dog. As you prepare to leave your home, their normal routine will become disrupted and they may start to feel anxious as familiar smells are eradicated and objects are packed away. Help them have a smooth transition by following these easy steps:

Consider the kennels

With the house chaotic with packing, you may want to consider taking your dog to a kennel for a few days while you move or ask a friend who they are familiar with to look after them temporarily. If you are considering kennels, you’ll need to make sure all their vaccinations are up to date.

Keep them confined on moving day

If you prefer to keep your dog with you, confine them to one room while packing up your belongings and keep them content with toys and snacks. When moving them to a new home, take a dog crate to keep them in when they arrive so they have their own special space.

Assign responsibility

Giving one person responsibility of the dog on moving day is a great idea as it avoids any confusion and ensures that the dog is always on somebody’s radar throughout the day. This person can make sure they are fed and watered as well as offering the dog comfort and reassurance.

Familiarise them with your new home

Once in your new home, place your dog in one room while you unpack the rest of your belongings. Take them out for some exercise and fresh air nearby, and regularly visit them in their designated room to reassure them of your presence. Keep them entertained with their favourite toys or an item of clothing that smells of you or your old house.

Updating your address 

You’d be surprised to know just how many people you need to tell when you change address. From your employer to your dentist to your broadband provider, there are a lot of people you’ll have to update. If you have a pet, this list will be even longer. 



When you get a pet microchipped, your contact details will be taken and stored alongside your pet’s microchip number. Making sure your pet’s microchip details are up to date should be done a day or so before you move. Remember, if you’ve provided your home phone number, you’ll have to update this too. 


Collar tag

Moving house can be unsettling and disorientating for pets. If your pet goes missing, having the correct contact information on their collar tag will ensure they’re returned to you quickly and safely. If your address or home phone number is on the tag, you’ll need to replace this when you move. 


Pet insurance 

Vet fees vary around the country and therefore the region you live in impacts the price of your pet insurance policy. For this reason, it’s vital you update your insurance provider when you move home. Your insurance could be invalid if you fail to do this. 



If you’re staying in the same area when you move and have chosen to stick with your existing vet, you’ll need to update the practice so any correspondence goes to the right place.